
更新时间:2021-12-04 01:35



The scriptures and classics of the Potala Palace, the Norbulingka and Sakya Monastery have been well preserved, with some edited and published as the Catalogue of the Classics of the Potala Palace, Ancient Books of the Snowland, and Origin of Religions by Deu.

布达拉宫、罗布林卡萨迦寺等所藏经卷和典籍获得了很好的保护,《布达拉宫典籍目录》、《雪域文库》和《德吴宗教源流》等文献古籍得到及时抢救、整理、出版。 The State has also established special funds to support the work of compiling and publishing the Tripitaka in the Tibetan language and other major Tibetan Buddhist classics as well as the work of establishing the Advanced Buddhism College of Tibetan Language Family of China in Beijing and the Tibet College of Buddhism in Lhasa.


国家还专门拨款,支持佛教界整理出版了藏文《大藏经》等重要藏语系佛教典籍,还支持佛教界在北京和拉萨分别开办了中国藏语系高级佛学院和西藏佛学院。 The murals, sculptures, statues, Thangkas (scroll paintings), artistic decorations, scriptures, offerings, ritual musical instruments and shrines of Buddha of those monasteries, as well as the scripture halls, worship halls, monasteries, temples and pagodas, the carriers of religious culture, have been preserved as far as possible or have been repaired or restored to their original condition.

这些寺院的壁画、雕刻、塑像、唐卡、工艺装饰、经卷、供品、法器、佛龛,包括经堂、殿宇、寺庙、塔刹等宗教文化的载体,都尽力保护或修缮复原。 To include in the biblical canon.

包括在真经中 More than 1,490 copies of the Tanjur of the Tripitaka, and a large number of pamphlets on Tibetan Buddhist practices, biographies of famous monks and treatises on Tibetan Buddhism have been printed to meet the needs of the various monsteries and the Buddhist monks, nuns and lay believers.


目录 22
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